Monday, May 23, 2011

Star Wars Battle

This is the epic battle- good vs evil, Mason vs Jack!

A couple of videos...

...because I finally got them uploaded to youtube:

Broken Baby Bones

We've been training for the dirty dash (comming up in just a couple weeks- eep!)  So we've been going running as a family every chance we get.  About a week ago, we had a running/ stroller accident.  While running up 100 E, we tripped on a big break in the sidewalk and the stroller flew forward, Jack-side-down.  His poor little foot got caught, and he broke three bones in the top of his foot. 
 Coming out of the Instacare.  He was not a happy camper.
 You can't even tell how swollen his foot was because Jack's feet are so chubby!
 This is our make shift splint, until we could get in to see the orthopedic specialist.  He's wearing Carter's flipflop, with two ace bandages wrapped on the outside to hold it on, then all covered up with a big sock, so Jack couldn't pull it off. 
 We tried to tell him his foot was broken, but he didn't care!  Still jumping off couches and shooting hoops!
 He's posing for a picture at the doctor's office with his finger in the electrical socket.  Typical Jack.  It's amazing this is his first trip to the instacare!
 Reading his new Cat in the Hat book with Daddy while we wait for Dr. Matthews. 
(Sidenote: He is obsessed with anything Dr. Seuss right now!)
 Giving his toes a kiss to make them feel better.
 Bradley was the MA who put his cast on, and we LOVE him!  He was so great with Jack, and even let him watch Cars on his iphone during the whole thing.  I was expecting it to be a lot harder, becuase Lori and I practically had to sit on him to get the x-ray. 
All done with a {water-proof!} blue cast and a sucker.  Only 3 weeks and everything should be healed up and back to normal!

**Also, we are the proud new owners of a double jogging stroller.  This is NOT going to happen again!

Zoo Surprise!

On the Monday after our anniversary, Ned called me up from work at about 9 inthe morning.  He asked me what I was doing and if Jack and I could be ready to go in half an hour.  He said he was on his way home and had the rest of the day to play!  We packed up the baby and headed to the zoo.  It was the perfect day- sunny and 65 degrees.  We had so much fun!  Here are a few of Jack's favorites:

Hiiiiiiii JoJo, Hiiiiiiiii JoJo! (over and over and over  again)

The tigers were expecially active.  It was lots of fun to watch them moving all over the place.

I love when Ned and Jack make the same face and don't even realize it!

He's very excited about the gorilla!  It kept coming over to glass and putting its face right up against the window.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Easter 2011

 He did this funny thing where he would sit back and eat his treats and put his feet up on the basket.
 Then Nana stole the show with this last minute gift from the Easter Bunny!
 He's shocked!
He also got a fun book and some pictures of the temple and Jesus for his "photo album".  He carries it around and points to Jesus and gives him kisses.
Jack couldn't get enough of his Grandpa, and my dad was so great with him.  They went to the park every day the weather would allow.
Jack had to be holding both Daddy and Grandpa'a hands ALL the time!
 Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Papa!

 I love this one, because he's making such a "Ned" face! 

The Bean Museum

While my parents were in town, we planned to go to the zoo, but the weather did not cooperate.  So we settled for the Bean Museum.  It's like the zoo, but the animals don't move.

 Jack loved all the bugs!

I'm pretty sure it was against the rules for Jack to swing on the elephant tusks.  Lucky for him, he's got Grandpa wrapped around his finger!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This poor blog has been sadly neglected, I know.  Let's be honest- it turned into an online photo album the minute Jack was born.  In any case, we have lots of posts (or at least pictures) coming in the near future!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Ron Swanson Burger

Do you watch Parks and Rec?  It's one of our Thursday night staples.  A couple episodes ago Ron Swanson was asked if he had ever eaten a turkey burger, to which he replied: "Is that a fried turkey leg inside a grilled hamburger? If so, yes. Delicious."  This link has the recipe!